Meet our team

Here we are! A changing, growing team of creatives, creators, developers, designers, scholars, and facilitators.

Najat El Hani

Najat El Hani

Educational Advisor & Trainer

Marjoleine Vermeulen

Marjoleine Vermeulen

Senior Educational Consultant

Ludo Juurlink

Ludo Juurlink


Kirsten Ran

Kirsten Ran

Evaluation and Testing Service Coordinator

Eva van Leeuwen

Eva van Leeuwen

Educational Advisor & Researcher

Agnesa Gashi

Agnesa Gashi

Learning Designer & Educational Advisor

Nathan Saucier

Extended Reality Producer

Uli Botzojorns

Uli Botzojorns

Innovation Manager

Melissa Amorós-Lark

Melissa Amorós-Lark

Project Manager

Marlies van der Meer

Marlies van der Meer

Learning Experience Designer

Lara Pedraz Castillo

Lara Pedraz Castillo

Project Leader

Chantal de Beun

Chantal de Beun

Learning Experience Designer

Donna Schipper

Donna Schipper

UX, analytics, development

Heleen Verkiel

Heleen Verkiel

Educational Adviser

Harriet Damen

Harriet Damen

Project Manager

Anna Gerasymenko

Anna Gerasymenko

Data and Security Advisor

Pien Leeuwenburgh

Pien Leeuwenburgh

Project Leader

Adel Qaddoumi

Extended Reality Developer

Bing Tang

Bing Tang

Strategic Communication Advisor

Erwin Veenstra

Erwin Veenstra

Learning Platform & Web Developer

Arian Kiandoost

Arian Kiandoost

Data Analyst

Judith Vels

Judith Vels

Learning Consultant, Digital Assessment

Sonja Wijfjes-Chang

Sonja Wijfjes-Chang

Office/Program Manager

Pippa Brownlie

Pippa Brownlie

Community & Events Manager

Charlotte Egger

Charlotte Egger

Evaluation Service

Aayushi Shah

Aayushi Shah

Learning Designer & Educational Consultant

Yentl Croese

Yentl Croese

Learning & Innovation Consultant

Marijne Scherjon

Marijne Scherjon

Educational Adviser & Trainer

Tanja de Bie

Tanja de Bie

LifeLong Learning & Educational Policy Support

Monika Theron

Monika Theron

Team Lead Data & Media

Mitchell de Jong

Mitchell de Jong

Graphic Design & Media Production

Naomi van Hattem

Naomi van Hattem

Project Leader

Karen van Muiden

Karen van Muiden

Manager Learning Team

Niloufar Daneshkhah

Niloufar Daneshkhah

Learning Experience Designer

Anthea Aerts

Anthea Aerts

Educational adviser

Joasia van Kooten

Joasia van Kooten

Project Design & Delivery

Marco Correa

Marco Correa

Legal & Technology Counsel

Sebas Muñoz

Sebas Muñoz

Media Producer & Trainer

Work for us!

We regularly open vacancies for our core competencies, including learning design, film & media creation, and project management, and data and AI.